Chlorolepiota Sathe & S.D. Deshp. 1979, in Sathe, A. V., & Deshpande, Current Science, 48(15), 693-695 (1979).
Diagnosis: Habit lepiotoid; annulus complex, fixed becoming mobile; surface not turning red or black with alkali; pileal surface an epicutis, trichodermal fasciculate over seales; spores with green tones in masses and under microscope, porate with réfringent poral plug (callus), staining freely in alkaline congo red, endo sporium staining metachromatically in cresyl and cotton blue ; capitate cystidioles present on the lamellar surface and clavate cheilocystidia on edge; clamp connections absent, spores dextrinoid in Melzer.
Index Fungorum Number: IF17288
Type Species: Chlorolepiota mahabaleshwarensis Sathe & S.D. Deshp. 1979, in Roberts, Acta Mycologica, 41(1), 25 -28 (2006).
Chlorolepiota brunneotincta Atri, B. Kumari & R.C. Upadhyay 2014
Chlorolepiota indica Atri & B. Kumari 2013
Chlorolepiota mahabaleshwarensis Sathe & S.D. Deshp. 1979
Sathe, A. V., & Deshpande, S. D. (1979). Chlorolepiota—a new genus of Agaricales (Mushrooms) from India. Current Science, 48(15), 693-695.
Recent Genus
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