Coniolepiota Vellinga, in Vellinga et al., Mycologia 103(3): 502 (2011)
Etymology: From the Greek ко νια, dust, and the genus name Lepiota because of the pulverulent-scaly aspect of pileus and stipe.
Basidiocarpium velo crasso obtectum cellulis laxe dispositis breviter cylindricis saepe ramosis parietibus lileaceis. Sporae albae laeves sine poro germinali dextrinoideae. Cheilocystidia adsunt. Lamellarum trama cellulis inflatis compositis. Fibulae desunt.
Index fungorum number: IF518493
Type species: Coniolepiota spongodes (Berk. & Broome) Vellinga 2011, in Vellinga et al., Mycologia 103(3): 502 (2011)
Vellinga EC, Sysouphanthong P, Hyde KD (2011).The family Agaricaceae: phylogenies and two new white-spored genera. Mycologia 103(3):494–509
Recent Genus
Recent Species
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