Acanthocorticium Baltazar, Gorjón & Rajchenb., in Baltazar et al., Botany 93(8): 456 (2015)
Etymology: The name is referred to the presence of abundant acanthophyses, which are very conspicuous in Melzer’s reagent due to their dextrinoid reaction, besides the corticioid habit.
Diagnosis: Acanthocorticium is distinguished from other corticioid genera by the combination of dextrinoid acanthophyses, halocystidia that are finely echinulate at the apex, simple-septate generative hyphae, and globose, smooth, thin-walled and IKI– basidiospores.
Basidiome corticioid, resupinate, adnate, cartilaginous hard when dry. Hymenophore smooth to tuberculate, even to rimose. Hyphal system monomitic, generative hyphae simpleseptate. Halocystidia abundant in the subiculum and hymenium, hyaline, finely echinulate at the apex, IKI– to slightly dextrinoid, with a resinous cap. Acanthophyses present in the subiculum and dominating in the hymenium, cylindrical to clavate, hyaline, with short protuberances in the apical portion, dextrinoid. Basidiospores globose, hyaline, smooth and thin-walled, IKI–.
Index Fungorum number: IF 812888
Type species: Acanthocorticium brueggemannii Baltazar, Gorjón & Rajchenb., in Baltazar et al., Botany 93(8): 456 (2015)
Baltazar,J.M; Gorjón,S.P; Pildain,M.B; Rajchenberg,M; Silveira, R.M.B. da. 2015. Acanthocorticium brueggemannii, a new corticioid genus and species related to cyphelloid fungi in the euagarics clade (Agaricales, Basidiomycota). Botany. 93(8):453-463
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