Amylolepiota Harmaja 2002, in Harmaja, Karstenia 42(2): 39 (2002).
Current name: Leucopholiota (Romagn.) O.K. Mill., T.J. Volk & Bessette 1996, Mycologia 88(1): 138 (1996).
Diagnosis: Basidiocarp medium-sized. Universal veil apparently present; presence of partial veil unclear. Pileus convex to plane; surface dry, with appressed to squarrose brown scales. Stipe without ring; surface dry, below the ring zone with squarrose scales like those of pileus. Lamellae free, whitish. Flesh white, not changing. Odour not distinctive. Taste mild. Spores pure white in fresh deposit (pale yellow in age), binucleate, ellipsoid; wall without germ-pore, hyaline, smooth, distinctly amyloid, cyanophilic, but carminophobic. Basidia with basal clamp, without carminophilic/siderophilic granulation; wall carminophobic, with a thin cyanophilic inner layer towards apex. Cheilocystidia present, inconspicuous; pleurocystidia lacking. Epicutis, also in scales, of cells which are distinctly longer than wide; pigment essentially membranal. Hymenophoral trama regular. Clamp connections present in hyphae of fruit body. Dried pileus, stipe, lamellae, basal mycelium, flesh and spore deposit do not exhibit fluorescence but retain their colours under ultraviolet light (with wave-lengths 254 nm and 366 nm), excepting the tinges of the three first-named structures which become slightly deeper. Habitat on decaying wood (always of Betula ?) in forest; causes white rot.
Index Fungorum Number: IF28729
Type Species: Amylolepiota lignicola (P. Karst.) Harmaja 2002
Amylolepiota lignicola (P. Karst.) Harmaja 2002
Harmaja, H. (2002). Amylolepiota, Clavicybe and Cystodermella, new genera of the Agaricales. Karstenia, 42(2), 39-48.
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