Cystodermella Harmaja 2002, in Harmaja, Karstenia 42(2): 39 (2002).
Diagnosis: Agaricales; habitus of basidiocarp as in Cystoderma. Universal veil present. Pileus convex or plane; surface finely to coarsely granulose. Stipe covered with veil remnants except at apex; ring mostly lacking, sometimes present. Lamellae narrowly to broadly adnate. Flesh of stipe and pileus of continuous elasticity. Conidia (arthrospores) absent from context of pileus. Odour indistinct. Taste mild. Spores white in deposit, binucleate (Saar & Kullman 2000: three species examined, the type included), ellipsoid; wall without germpore, smooth, inamyloid, cyanophilic (at least in type species: Singer 1972). Cystidia of lamellae mostly absent; when present they are 'harpoon like' due to encrusted crystals. Cortex of pileus and stipe (apex excluded) formed by dry velar layer essentially composed of sphaerocysts. Hymenophoral trama of more or less parallel hyphae. Clamp connections present in hyphae of fruit body. Dried pileus, stipe, lamellae, flesh and basal mycelium of the type species do not exhibit fluorescence but retain their colours under ultraviolet light (with wave-lengths 254 nm and 366 nm; no difference to C. amianthinum; these are apparently the first observations on the responses of Cystoderma s. lato fruitbodies to ultraviolet light). Saprophytes of non-ligneous, rarely ligneous, plant litter; sometimes among mosses at the same time but probably not truly muscicolous.
Index Fungorum Number: IF28731
Type Species: Cystodermella granulosa (Batsch) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella adnatifolia (Peck) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella ambrosii (Bres.) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella australis (A.H. Sm. & Singer) Vizzini 2008
Cystodermella canadensis I. Saar & S.A. Trudell 2024
Cystodermella cinnabarina (Alb. & Schwein.) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella cinnabarina f. cinnabarina (Alb. & Schwein.) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella cinnabarina f. lutea (Dähncke) Vizzini 2008
Cystodermella cinnabarina f. nogalesii (Bañares, Beltrán-Tej. & Heinem.) Vizzini 2008
Cystodermella cinnabarina var. cinnabarina (Alb. & Schwein.) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella cinnabarina var. claricolor (Romagn.) Vizzini 2008
Cystodermella contusifolia (Pegler) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella cristallifera (Thoen) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella elegans (Beeli) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella freirei (Justo & M.L. Castro) Vizzini 2008
Cystodermella granulosa (Batsch) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella granulosa f. granulosa (Batsch) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella granulosa f. robusta (A.H. Sm. & Singer) Vizzini 2008
Cystodermella granulosa var. ambrosii (Bres.) I. Saar 2009
Cystodermella granulosa var. granulosa (Batsch) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella japonica (Thoen & Hongo) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella lactea Musumeci 2006
Cystodermella luteohemisphaerica (Dennis) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella mazahuensis Pérez-Moreno, Moreno-Solís & Ayala-Vásquez 2023
Cystodermella myriadocystis (Heinem. & Thoen) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella papallactae (I. Saar & Læssøe) Vizzini 2008
Cystodermella rubrogranulosa J.A. Cooper & I. Saar 2024
Cystodermella sipariana (Dennis) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella subpurpurea (A.H. Sm. & Singer) Harmaja 2002
Cystodermella terryi (Berk. & Broome) Bellù 2014
Harmaja, H. (2002). Amylolepiota, Clavicybe and Cystodermella, new genera of the Agaricales. Karstenia, 42(2), 39-48.
Recent Genus
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