Hygrophorocybe Vizzini & Contu, in Vizzini, Index Fungorum 161: 1 (2014)
Etymology: Derived from the fusion of the genus names Hygrophorus and Clitocybe and refer to the basidiomata showing a mix of both hygrophoroid and clitocyboid features
Diagnosis: Basidiomes agaricoid (stipitate-pileate with lamellate hymenophore). Pileus at first broadly convex then expanding, plane or obtusely umbonate, rarely infundibuliform when old; surface dry, pruinose, sometimes rivulose to cracked, whitish; margin at first inrolled, minutely ribbed and pruinose to velutinous. Lamellae decurrent, subdistant to distant, narrow, often forked or anastomosing, pinkish-cream to yellowish at maturity, easily separable from the pileus context. Stipe central, concolourous to the stipe. Veils absent. Context thick at pileus centre, white. Spore-print whitish to pinkish-cream. Spores large, up to 10 × 4.5 (−5.0) μm (from 4-spored basidia), ellipsoid to oblong, sometimes sublacrymoid in profile, smooth, thin- to moderately thick-walled, inamyloid, non-dextrinoid, cyanophobic, not released in tetrads. Basidia hygrophoroid, up to 50 × 6-8 μm, usually 4-spored, rarely 1- or 2-spored, sterigmata sometimes delimited by secondary septa; sclerobasidia (crassobasidia) occasionally present. Cystidia of any kind absent. Pileipellis a cutis consisting of cylindrical hyphae sometimes with rare and short diverticula. Hymenophoral trama regular, consisting of subparallel, undulate hyphae. Clamp connections present. Hyphal system monomitic. On litter, usually in conifer woods.
Index Fungorum number: IF550629
Type species: Hygrophorocybe nivea (Velen.) Vizzini & Contu, in Vizzini, Index Fungorum 161: 1 (2014)
Vizzini A., Nomenclatural novelties. Index Fungorum 161: 1 (2014)
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