Lignomphalia Antonín, Borovička, Holec & Kolařík, in Antonín et al., Fungal Biology 123 (6): 443 (2019)
Etymology: Omphalia growing on wood (lignum)
Diagnosis: Pileus clitocyboid or omphalioid, usually distinctly infundibuliform with deeply depressed centre, glabrous or slightly pruinose to minutely scaly at centre, ochraceous, umbrinous, clay coloured, orange, or lightly red-brown; lamellae deeply decurrent, cream coloured or yellowish; stipe cylindrical or broadened towards base, pruinose or minutely pubescent, yellowish at apex and darker at base, ochraceous, yellowish or brightly orange; spore print white; basidiospores thin-walled, amyloid; cheilocystidia present; pleurocystidia absent; pileipellis a cutis made up of radially arranged hyaline hyphae; pileo- and caulocystidia present; clamp connections present.
Ecology: On trunks or decayed wood of coniferous, more rarely deciduous trees.
Index Fungorum number: IF825129
Type species: Lignomphalia lignicola (Lj.N. Vassiljeva) Antonín, Borovička, Holec & Kolařík, in Antonín et al., Fungal Biology 123 (6): 443 (2019)
Notes: At the present state of knowledge, the genus Lignomphalia contains only the type species.
Figure 1. Phylogenetic placement of the studied fungi based on the concatenated nrITS and nrLSU sequences. The topology represents 50 % majority rule consensus tree from analysis in MrBayes. Bayesian PP ≥ 0.70 followed by Maximum likelihood BS ≥ 60 supports are indicated. Maximum likelihood tree was computed by IQ-TREE software. The Myxomphalia maura and Gamundia leucophylla were used as outgroups. Strongly supported branches (≤ 1.00/95) are doubled in width and the sequenced obtained are printed in bold.
Antonín V, Borovička J, Holec J, Piltaver A, Kolařík M. 2019. Taxonomic update of Clitocybula sensu lato with a new generic classification. Fungal Biology. 123(6):431-447
Recent Genus
Recent Species
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