Notholepista Vizzini & Contu, in Vizzini et al., Mycosphere 3(1): 84 (2012)
Etymology: refers to the habit being reminiscent of Lepista gilva.
Diagnosis: Basidiomata agaricoid (with distinct pileus, lamellae and stipe), resembling those of Lepista gilva (Pers.) Pat., veils absent, basidiospores with amyloid warts, cystidia and pseudocystidia absent, pileal surface a cutis of repent to interwoven, cylindrical hyphae, clamp-connections present, no sarcodimitic texture in any part of the basidioma. On the ground, never on wood.
Index Fungorum number: IF564431
Type species: Notholepista subzonalis (Peck) Vizzini & Contu, in Vizzini et al., Mycosphere 3(1): 84 (2012)
Vizzini, A.; Ercole, E.; Contu, M. 2012. A contribution to the ITS-LSU phylogeny of the genus Leucopaxillus (Tricholomatoid clade, Agaricales), with three new genera and notes on Porpoloma. Mycosphere. 3(1):79-90
Recent Genus
Recent Species
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Tricholomella constricta