Praearthromyces T.J. Baroni, T.W. Kuyper & van de Peppel 2022, in van de Peppel, Mycological Progress, 21(10), 85. (2022)
Etymology: Prae Arthromyces—before Arthromyces.
Diagnosis: Species with tephrocyboid or collybioid or mycenoid habit with narrow, densely crowded lamellae, with thin, deeply rooting pseudorhiza, no clamp connections, cheilocystidia variously shaped and mostly lacking internal pigments or resinous materials, and phylogenetically distinct by molecular profile of its combined ITS, LSU and EF1α sequences.
Index Fungorum Number: IF843084
Type Species: Praearthromyces corneri T.J. Baroni, T.W. Kuyper & van de Peppel 2022, in van de Peppel, Mycological Progress, 21(10), 85. (2022)
Praearthromyces corneri T.J. Baroni, T.W. Kuyper & van de Peppel 2022
Praearthromyces griseus T.J. Baroni & van de Peppel 2022
van de Peppel, L. J., Aime, M. C., Læssøe, T., Pedersen, O. S., Coimbra, V. R., Kuyper, T. W., ... & Baroni, T. J. (2022). Four new genera and six new species of lyophylloid agarics (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from three different continents. Mycological Progress, 21(10), 85.
Recent Genus
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