Rhizocybe Vizzini, G. Moreno, P. Alvarado & Consiglio, in Alvarado et al., Mycologia 107(1): 132 (2015)
Etymology: (Gk.) “rhizo-“, root; “-cybe”, head; that is a “Clitocybe” with mycelial cords.
Diagnosis: Basidiomata clitocyboid (funnel-shaped or umbilicate), small (1–4 cm diam). Pileus pale brown or grayish brown to brown or reddish brown. Lamellae slightly decurrent, pale, buff or yellowish. Rhizomorphs present at the base of the stipe. Pileipellis as a cutis. Basidiospores elliptic, smooth, not cyanophilous, without iodine reactions, white in mass. Hymenial cystidia absent. Clamp connections present. In coniferous forests of the northern hemisphere, spring and summer.
Index Fungorum number: IF808520
Type species: Rhizocybe vermicularis (Fr.) Vizzini, P. Alvarado, G. Moreno & Consiglio, in Alvarado et al., Mycologia 107(1): 132 (2015)
Rhizocybe alba Y.X. Ding & E.J. Tian 2017
Rhizocybe albida (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper 2015
Rhizocybe pruinosa (P. Kumm.) Vizzini, P. Alvarado & G. Moreno 2015
Rhizocybe rhizoides (H.E. Bigelow & Hesler) Vizzini, P. Alvarado & G. Moreno 2015
Rhizocybe vermicularis (Fr.) Vizzini, P. Alvarado, G. Moreno & Consiglio 2015
Alvarado, P; Moreno, G; Vizzini, A; Consiglio, G; Manjón, JL; Setti, L. 2014. Atractosporocybe, Leucocybe and Rhizocybe: three new clitocyboid genera in the Tricholomatoid clade (Agaricales) with notes on Clitocybe and Lepista. Mycologia. 107(1):123-136
Recent Genus
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