Amanitaceae E. J. Gilbert, in Iconographia Mycologica. 27:1-198 (1940)
Diagnostic characters: Basidioma mostly agaricoid, occasionally sequestrate; lamellar trama bilateral; subhymenium composed of inflated cells; context of stipe (if present) with terminal inflated cells (acrophysalidic); basidiospores colorless or nearly so and hyaline, smooth to echinulate, amyloid or inamyloid.
Index Fungorum number: IF817322
Type genus: Amanita Pers., in Neues Magazin für die Botanik 1: 145 (1794)
Cui, Y. Y., Cai, Q., Tang, L. P., Liu, J. W., & Yang, Z. L. 2018. The family Amanitaceae: molecular phylogeny, higher-rank taxonomy and the species in China. Fungal Diversity, 91(1), 5-230.
Gilbert, E.J. 1940. Iconographia mycologica, Amanitaceae. Iconographia Mycologica. 27:1-198
Persoon, C.H. 1794. Neuer Versuch einer systematischen Eintheilung der Schwämme. Neues Magazin für die Botanik. 1:63-80
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