Chromocyphellaceae Knudsen, in Petersen, Knudsen & Seberg, Cladistics 26(1): 68 (2010)
Diagnostic characters: Basidiomes cup‐shaped to disc‐shaped, stipitate or sessile, hymenium (inside) brown, outside brownish to white, dry. Hyphal system monomitic. Hyphae hyaline, with clamps. Cystidia absent. Spores pale brown, (sub)globose to ellipsoid or citriform, smooth or verrucose with or without a germ pore.
Index Fungorum number: IF542005
Type genus: Chromocyphella De Toni & Levi, in Naturalist: 158 (1888)
Notes: Morphologically the family is characterized by cyphelloid carpophores and brown, smooth or verrucose spores with a germ pore or with some callus formation. Microscopic characters are very similar to those of Crepidotus, where, however, a real germ pore is absent, but formation of callus is similar. Cheilocystidia is a constant feature of Crepidotus species, but is absent in Chromocyphellaceae as a consequence of the lack of gills. The outside covering of hairs is similar to that of some Crepidotus species, whether or not it is forming a palisade of dense, equally long hyphae (Phaeosolenia) or consists of short, curved hyphae (Chromocyphella). Both types are also present in Crepidotus (Hesler and Smith, 1965). However, presence of a ± well developed subiculum of brown hyphae in Phaeosolenia is unknown in Crepidotaceae.
Hesler, L.R., Smith, A.H., 1965. North American Species of Crepidotus. Hafner Publishing, New York.
Petersen, G.; Henning Knudsen, H.; Seberg, O. 2010. Alignment, clade robustness and fungal phylogenetics. Crepidotaceae and sister families revisited. Cladistics. 26:62-71
Recent Genus
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