Cericium Hjortstam 1995, in Gorjón, Studies in Fungi 5(1), 178 (2020).
Diagnosis: Basidiome resupinate, thick, stratified, fairly brittle and ceraceous, hymenophore smooth or slightly tuberculate, pale coloured or ochraceous. Hyphal system dimitic, subicular hyphae arboriform (binding hyphae), hyaline, without clamps, generative hyphae thin-walled, hyaline to yellowish, with clamps. Cystidia thin-walled, basally strongly encrusted with resinous yellowish matter, about 70-100 μm long. Basidia subclavate, in a rather dense layer, with 4-sterigmata, and a basal clamp. Basidiospores ellipsoid, smooth, thin-walled, IKI–, CB–.
Index Fungorum Number: IF27404
Type Species: Cericium luteoincrustatum (Hjortstam & Ryvarden) Hjortstam 1995
Cericium gloeocystidiatum S.H. He, Y.P. Zhang & Nakasone 2024
Cericium luteoincrustatum (Hjortstam & Ryvarden) Hjortstam 1995
Gorjón, S.P. (2020). Genera of corticioid fungi: keys, nomenclature, and taxonomy. Studies in Fungi 5(1), 125–309.
Recent Genus
Recent Species
Dictyocephalos attenuatusOliveonia fibrillosa
Tricholomella constricta