Clitocella Kluting, T.J. Baroni & Bergemann, in Kluting et al. Mycologia 106(6): 1135 (2014)
Etymology: Clitocella, reflecting the morphological similarity and phylogenetic proximity to Clitopilus and Clitopilopsis, cella, a Latin term referring to a storage place and in this case for taxa not belonging to Clitopilus or Clitopilopsis
Diagnosis: Basidiomata centrally stipitate, clitocyboid, white, grayish, gray-brown or purplish gray. Pileus small or large (30–110 mm), fleshy and opaque, glabrous, and smooth or matted tomentose or matted fibrillose, fleshy. Lamellae long-decurrent, narrow or very narrow (up to 3 mm), and close to crowded or very crowded with a smooth lamellar edge. Stipe equal and glabrous, pubescent, floccose or matted fibrillose. Basidiospores are flesh-pinkish in deposit, have thin (0.2–0.4 mm), evenly cyanophilic and inamyloid walls that are minutely and often obscurely angular in polar view with 7–12 facets and are ornamented with obscure or sometimes distinct undulating pustules or minute bumps visible in profile and face views under transmitted-light microscope; hymenial cystidia are generally lacking, but if present then they are rare, arranged in small bunches along the lamellar edge; pseudocystidia with brightly colored contents are never present. Hyphal clamp connections are always absent.
Index fungorum number: IF805406
Type species: Clitocella popinalis (Fr.) Kluting, T.J. Baroni & Bergemann 2014, in Kluting et al. Mycologia 106(6): 1135 (2014)
Notes: Macroscopically Clitocella closely resembles centrally stipitate Clitopilus forms but differs in the scattered pustulate basidiospore ornamentation in contrast to the longitudinally ridged basidiospore ornamentation of Clitopilus. Clitocella differs from Clitopilopsis by close, narrow, long-decurrent lamellae and thin-walled basidiospores with pustulate ornamentations and minute, obscure angles in polar view. Clitopilopsis is differentiated by its basidiospores with thickened walls (0.5–0.9 mm wide) that have smooth or barely perceptible undulate bumps even with SEM imaging and obscure irregular rounded angles of the basidiospores in polar view. Rhodocybe and Rhodophana differ from Clitocella because both possess basidiospores with well developed, isolated pustules on the surface of the basidiospores and distinctly angular basidiospores in polar view. Rhodophana is further differentiated by the presence of hyphal clamp connections in the basidiomata.
Clitocella ammophila (Malençon) Consiglio 2020
Clitocella blancii (Maire) Consiglio 2019
Clitocella fallax (Quél.) Kluting, T.J. Baroni & Bergemann 2014
Clitocella himantiigena (Speg.) Silva-Filho & Cortez 2018
Clitocella malenconii (Pacioni & Lalli) Consiglio 2019
Clitocella mundula (Lasch) Kluting, T.J. Baroni & Bergemann 2014
Clitocella mundula f. mundula (Lasch) Kluting, T.J. Baroni & Bergemann 2014
Clitocella mundula var. mundula (Lasch) Kluting, T.J. Baroni & Bergemann 2014
Clitocella nigrescens (Maire) Consiglio 2020
Clitocella obscura (Pilát) Vizzini, Seslı, T.J. Baroni, Antonín & I. Saar 2016
Clitocella pallescens Silva-Filho & Cortez 2018
Clitocella popinalis f. popinalis (Fr.) Kluting, T.J. Baroni & Bergemann 2014
Clitocella popinalis var. popinalis (Fr.) Kluting, T.J. Baroni & Bergemann 2014
Kluting, Kerri & Baroni, Timothy & Bergemann, Sarah. (2014). Toward a stable classification of genera within the Entolomataceae: A phylogenetic re-evaluation of the Rhodocybe-Clitopilus clade. Mycologia. 106(6), 2014, pp. 1127–1142. 10.3852/13-270.
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