Hymenoporus Tkalčec, Mešić & Chun Y. Deng, in Tkalčec et al., Phytotaxa 204(3): 205 (2015)
Etymology: The genus is named for its poroid hymenophore.
Diagnosis: Differs from all other genera by small basidiocarps, mostly convex pileus, true tubular (poroid) hymenophore which is adnate to a free collarium, tough, dark and filiform stipe, smooth, hyaline, non-amyloid spores, densely packed dendriform cheilocystidia, and pileipellis composed of repent hyphae, densely covered with simple to coralloid excrescences intermixed with dendriform cells.
Index fungorum number: IF805766
Type species: Hymenoporus paradoxus Tkalčec, Mešić & Chun Y. Deng 2015, in Tkalčec et al., Phytotaxa 204(3): 205 (2015)
Tkalcec, Zdenko & Mesic, Armin & Deng, Chunying & Plese, Bruna & Ćetković, Helena. (2015). Hymenoporus paradoxus gen. et sp. nov., a striking fungus of the family Omphalotaceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) with tubular hymenophore. Phytotaxa. 204. 203-212. 10.11646/phytotaxa.204.3.3.
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