Paragymnopus J.S. Oliveira, in Oliveira et al., Mycological Progress 18(5): 730 (2019)
Etymology: It refers to the phylogenetic relationship of this group with Gymnopus s. str.
Basidiomata marasmioid, small, thin. Pileus convex to plano-convex, occasionally slightly umbonate, sul-cate-striate. Lamellae adnate, adnexed to decurrent, some-times collariate to pseudocollariate, pallid or off-white. Stipe often up to 40 mm long, ratio of pileus breadth to stipe length often large (see G. pinophilus), central, cylindrical, thin, usually less than 1 mm, insititious, usually vestured (excepting G. glabrosipes), often minutely barbed under the × 10 lens, apex pale brown, then darker, dark sooty brown to nearly black towards the base. Rhizomorphs usually present, black, thin, = thin-walled, non-amyloid. Pleurocystidia consistently present, fusiform, somewhat apically versiform. Cheilocystidia often absent; if present, either clavate to utriform or similar to Siccus-type broom cell. Pileus and lamellar tramae irregular, usually loosely interwoven, with hyphae embedded in a slime matrix. Pileipellis in the form of a gelatinized layer of repent, incrusted hyphae, often thick-walled, conspicuously clamped and embedded in a slime matrix, or as a well-developed Rameales-structure. Stipe medullary with hyphae embedded in slime matrix. Clamp connections present in all tissues. In Melzer’s reagent, dextrinoid only in the stipe cortical trama and caulocystidia of some species; otherwise, all tissues inamyloid. No part staining in alkaline solution (NH4OH or KOH).
Index Fungorum number: IF827363
Type species: Paragymnopus perforans (Hoffm.) J.S. Oliveira, in Oliveira et al., Mycological Progress 18(5): 731 (2019)
Ecology: Seemingly host-specific, saprophytic, on dead conifer needles or rotting deciduous leafy debris.
Paragymnopus foliiphilus (R.H. Petersen) J.S. Oliveira 2019
Paragymnopus perforans (Hoffm.) J.S. Oliveira 2019
Paragymnopus pinophilus (R.H. Petersen) J.S. Oliveira 2019
Paragymnopus ponderosae (R.H. Petersen) J.S. Oliveira 2019
Paragymnopus sequoiae (Desjardin) J.S. Oliveira 2019
Paragymnopus sublaccatus (R.H. Petersen) J.S. Oliveira 2019
Recent Genus
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