Laccariopsis Vizzini, Vizzini et al., Mycotaxon 121: 396 (2012)
Etymology: named in reference to its Laccaria-like habit.
Basidiomata agaricoid resembling those of Laccaria spp.; lamellae thick, stipe deeply rooting (with long pseudorhiza), slightly viscid, pruinose only at apex, veils absent, spore-print whitish; spores large, thin- to thick-walled, smooth, inamyloid; basidia large, thin- to thick-walled (sclerobasidia); cheilo- and pleurocystidia abundant, thin- to thick-walled; pileipellis strongly gelatinized, made up of a loose hymeniderm with slender, cryptic, thin to moderately thick-walled pileocystidia; stipitipellis with caulocystidia, localized only at apex, thin- to slightly thick-walled; stipititrama monomitic; clamp-connections present.
Index Fungorum number: IF800949
Type species: Laccariopsis mediterranea (Pacioni & Lalli) Vizzini, In Vizzini et al. Mycotaxon 121: 397 (2012)
Note: Rhizomarasmius and Gloiocephala differ in having a dry stipe, a dense hymeniform pileipellis, thin-walled spores, and shorter and thin-walled basidia; Flammulina differs in having a dry entirely velutinous stipe, smaller and usually thin-walled spores and basidia, usually thin-walled cheilo- and pleurocystidia, and well-developed pileocystidia; Strobilurus is distinguished by a dry pileus and stipe, a dense hymeniform pileipellis, a sarcodimitic stipe trama, and absence of clamp-connections; Xerula is characterized by a dry and velutinous pileus and stipe, a pileipellis consisting of a dense hymeniderm, pigmented and very thick-walled pileosetae, similar caulosetae, and a sarcodimitic stipe trama.
Vizzini A., Ercole E., Voyron S. 2012. Laccariopsis, a new genus for Hydropus mediterraneus (Basidiomycota, Agaricales). Mycotaxon. 121:393-403
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