Naiadolina Redhead, Labbé & Ginns, in Redhead, Index Fungorum 15: 1 (2013)
Etymology: An allusion to the Naiads, which are water nymphs, in reference to the wetland habitat.
Diagnosis: Basidiomes yellowish, on sedge foliage in marshy areas. Pileipellis hymeniform, not viscid, consisting of smooth to uni- or multi-papillate, yellowish-walled end cells. Clamp connections absent and tissues nonreactive in Melzer's reagent. Hymenium merulioid, lacking cystidia. Basidiospores thin-walled, hyaline, smooth, nonamyloid. Stipe dry, covered with clusters of cystidioid end cells, base arising from a basal pad of cystidioid cells on the substrate.
Index Fungorum number: IF550121
Type species: Naiadolina flavomerulina (Redhead) Redhead, H. Labbé & Ginns, in Redhead, Index Fungorum 15: 2 (2013)
Redhead, SA. 2013. Nomenclatural novelties. Index Fungorum. 15:1-2
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