Agaricales » Pseudoclitocybaceae


Pseudoclitocybe (Singer) Singer, in Mycologia 48(5): 725 (1956)


DiagnosisPileus 212 cm, depressed to umbilicate, hygrophanous, striate or not, slightly gelatinized, smooth to pruinose at margin. Lamellae: adnate to deeply decurrent, crowded, thin, whitish to gray. Stipe 4.58 x 1.32.2 cm, fistulose, cylindrical to compressed at maturity, concolorous with the pileus, usually with a white zone at apex; mycelium usually abundant, patch-like, without rhizomorphs. Context whitish to grey when moist. Smell herbaceous. Basidiospores globose to ellipsoid, smooth, distinctly amyloid, acyanophilic, with hyaline content. Basidia 4-spored, without carminophilic/siderophilous granulation. Cystidia absent. Subhymenium branching, prostrate, easily dissociated. Hymenophoral trama subregular to slightly divergent, cylindrical hyphae with elements 46 µm wide. Pileipellis a radially arranged ixocutis, sparsely to densely diverticulate. Clamp connections loop-like, present in mycelium in all species, absent or very rare elsewhere, absent at the base of basidia. Saprobe, terricolous, lignicolous to coprophilous. Temperate areas, Northern and Southern Hemispheres.


Index Fungorum number: IF18385

Type species: Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis (Bull.) Singer, Mycologia 48(5): 725 (1956)

Notes:  At least four distinct genetic lineages were found within genus Pseudoclitocybe in the ITS rDNA analysis: one of them found in Europe, North America and Asia (Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis), one known only from Europe (Pseudoclitocybe obbata), another one found in North America (KF291250 and LIP 0401355, maybe Pseudoclitocybe oregonensis (Murrill) Singer?), and last a single sequence coming from New Zealand (HQ533021). Two cryptic lineages within P. cyathiformis were sometimes significantly supported, although frequently merged together in the analyses because of the presence of apparently intermediate sequences (KP453709, KR673477).

The intracellular globules characteristic of most Pseudoclitocybaceae are only frequent in the stipititrama of Pseudoclitocybe, and clamp connections have only been detected on mycelial hyphae (except for a few on stipitipellis of P. cyathiformis Lineage II). Subpellis is hardly differentiated in P. cyathiformis Lineage II, perceptible in P. cyathiformis Lineage I, and absent in P. obbata. The development of the hymenopodium (always with slender, anastomosing hyphae with divergent structure) follows the same pattern. Mediostratum is rather regular excepting in P. obbata where it looks more entangled. Suprapellis structures are rather specific, an ixotrichocutis with few, unbranched erected elements in P. cyathiformis Lineage I, or rich in terminations either simple and cylindro-clavate (P. obbata) or versiform (P. cyathiformis Lineage II). Incrusting pigment is abundant in P. obbata and present in P. cyathiformis Lineage I, nearly absent in P. cyathiformis Lineage II. All species have parietal pigmentation in pileipellis and/or subpellis, and a yellow intracellular pigment in some hyphae of pileipellis. Vascular (thromboplerous) hyphae with deep yellowbrown content has been seen only in P. obbata, mostly in the hypophyllum region.




Pseudoclitocybe atra (Velen.) Harmaja 1974

Pseudoclitocybe bacillaris (Pers.) Singer 1961

Pseudoclitocybe beschidica Singer & Kuthan 1980

Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis (Bull.) Singer 1956

Pseudoclitocybe expallens (Pers.) M.M. Moser 1967

Pseudoclitocybe foetida (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper 2014

Pseudoclitocybe indica Rawla & S. Arya 1990

Pseudoclitocybe lapalmaensis Dähncke & Contu 2010

Pseudoclitocybe lenta Corner 1994

Pseudoclitocybe martipanis Singer 1969

Pseudoclitocybe obbata (Fr.) Singer 1962

Pseudoclitocybe obbata f. minor Bon & Lefebvre 1999

Pseudoclitocybe parvula Raithelh. 1974

Pseudoclitocybe sabulophila (H.E. Bigelow) Contu 2010

Pseudoclitocybe sphagneti Raithelh. 1972

Pseudoclitocybe trivialis Raithelh. 1980


Figure 1. 50% majority rule 28S rDNA-rpb2-tef1-18S rDNA consensus; phylogram of the family Pseudoclitocybaceae and related families of the tricholomatoid clade obtained in MrBayes from 14,100 sampled trees. Nodes were annotated if supported by > 0.95 Bayesian PP (left) or > 70% ML BP (right). Non-significant support values are exceptionally represented inside parentheses.

Figure 2. 50% majority rule consensus ITS rDNA; phylogram of the family Pseudoclitocybaceae obtained in MrBayes from 10,875 sampled trees. Nodes were annotated if supported by > 0.95 Bayesian PP (left) or > 70% ML BP (right). Non-significant support values are exceptionally represented inside parentheses



Alvarado, P; Moreau, P.A; Dima, B; Vizzini, A; Consiglio, G; Moreno, G; Setti, L; Kekki, T; Huhtinen, S; Liimatainen, K; Niskanen, T. 2018. Pseudoclitocybaceae fam. nov. (Agaricales, Tricholomatineae), a new arrangement at family, genus and species level. Fungal Diversity. 90:109-133




About Basidiomycota

The webpage Basidiomycota provides an up-to-date classification and account of all genera of the phylum Basidiomycota.


Supported by 

Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)

project entitled:

"Macrofungi diversity research from the Lancang-Mekong Watershed and surrounding areas"

(Grant No. DBG6280009)


  • Email:
  • Addresses:
    Mushroom Research Foundation, 292 Moo 18, Bandu District,
    Muang Chiangrai 57100, Thailand
  • The State Key Lab of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.3 1st Beichen West Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P.R. China

Published by the State Key Lab of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and
Mushroom Research Foundation
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