Radulotubus Y.C. Dai, S.H. He & C.L. Zhao, in Zhao et al., Nova Hedwigia 103(1-2): 270 (2016)
Etymology: Radulotubus (Lat.): referring to scraped poroid hymenophore when bruised.
Diagnosis: Differs from other genera by a combination of resupinate basidiocarps with poroid surface, a monomitic hyphal system with clamp connections on generative hyphae, presence of pleural basidia, and hyaline, thin-to slightly thick-walled, smooth, IKI-, CB-, basidiospores.
Description: Basidiocarps annual, resupinate, adnate, waxy to hygrophanous when fresh, becoming soft corky to slightly brittle when dry. Pore surface white to cream fresh pores, which become pale brown when bruised, and the bruised part becoming greyish brown to brown when dry. Hyphal system monomitic, generative hyphae hyaline, thin- to thick-walled with clamp connections, IKI-, CB-. Basidia pleural. Basidiospores hyaline, thin-to slightly thick-walled, globose, IKI-, CB-.
Index Fungorum number: IF815760
Type species: Radulotubus resupinatus Y.C. Dai, S.H. He & C.L. Zhao, in Zhao et al., Nova Hedwigia 103(1-2): 271 (2016)
Zhao, CL; Chen, H; He, SH; Dai, YC. 2016. Radulotubus resupinatus gen. et sp. nov. with a poroid hymenophore in Pterulaceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota). Nova Hedwigia. 103(1-2):265-278
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