Protostropharia Redhead, Moncalvo & Vilgalys, in Redhead, Index Fungorum 15: 2 (2013)
Etymology: Proto- (early), Stropharia.
Diagnosis: Distinguished from Stropharia by the formation of astrocystidia rather than acanthocytes on mycelium including that at the bases of basidiomes and in cracks and pockets within the dung substrate. Protostropharia astrocystidia consisting of short branch hyphae bearing terminal globose heads of sharp, coarse hyaline crystals (presumably calcium oxalate) in contrast to the encrusted dendroid hyphal ends bearing a stellate mass of needle sharp and shaped crystalline branches characteristic of true acanthocytes formed by Stropharia sensu stricto. Coprophilous. Pileus and stipe glutinous. Basidiospores smooth, thick-walled, with a germ pore. Pleurocystidia are chrysocystidia. Clamp connections present
Index Fungorum number: IF550114
Type species: Protostropharia semiglobata (Batsch) Redhead, Moncalvo & Vilgalys, in Redhead, Index Fungorum 15: 2 (2013)
Notes: Phylogenetically in the Agaricales, Strophariaceae, separated from Stropharia (Moncalvo et al. Mol. Phyl. Evol. 23: 357-400. 2002; Walther et al., Mycol. Res. 109: 525-544. 2005). Gender: feminine
Protostropharia alcis (Kytöv.) Redhead, Thorn & Malloch 2013
Protostropharia alcis var. alcis (Kytöv.) Redhead, Thorn & Malloch 2013
Protostropharia arctica (Kytöv.) Redhead 2014
Protostropharia dorsipora (Esteve-Rav. & Barrasa) Redhead 2014
Protostropharia islandica (Kytöv.) Redhead 2014
Protostropharia luteonitens (Fr.) Redhead 2014
Protostropharia ochraceoviridis (García Mon.) C. Hahn 2014
Protostropharia ovalispora Yen W. Wang & S.S. Tzean 2015
Protostropharia semiglobata (Batsch) Redhead, Moncalvo & Vilgalys 2013
Protostropharia semiglobata var. semiglobata (Batsch) Redhead, Moncalvo & Vilgalys 2013
Protostropharia tuberosa (Beardslee) Redhead 2014
Redhead, SA. 2013. Nomenclatural novelties. Index Fungorum. 15:1-2
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