Pleuromyces Dima, P.-A. Moreau & V. Papp, in Crous et al., Persoonia 40: 311 (2018)
Etymology. Pleuromyces is a compound name, reflecting the morphological similarity to Pleuroflammula and Phaeomyces.
Basidiomata pleurotoid with short central to eccentric stipe; pileus small size (> 1 cm), yellowish brown, fibrillose, not hygrophanus. Lamellae ventricose, yellowish to rusty brown. Spores yellowish brown, ovate to ellipsoid, thick-walled, smooth. Basidia 2- or 4-spored. Cheilocystidia slender or heteromorphous, not encrusted, thin-walled, hyalin. Pileipellis a thin trichocutis with coarsely incrusted slender hyphae, inflate at septa. Woodinhabiting, saprobic.
Index Fungorum number: IF824585
Type species: Pleuromyces hungaricus V. Papp, Dima & P.-A. Moreau, in Crous et al., Persoonia 40: 311 (2018)
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Burgess TI, Hardy GEStJ, Gené J, Guarro J, Baseia IG, García D, Gusmão LFP, Souza-Motta CM, Thangavel R, Adamčík S, Barili A, Barnes CW, Bezerra JDP, Bordallo JJ, Cano-Lira JF, de Oliveira RJV, Ercole E, Hubka V, Iturrieta-González I, Kubátová A, Martín MP, Moreau P-A, Morte A, Ordoñez ME, Rodríguez A, Stchigel AM, Vizzini A, Abdollahzadeh J, Abreu VP, Adamčíková K, Albuquerque GMR, Alexandrova AV, Álvarez Duarte E, Armstrong-Cho C, Banniza S, Barbosa RN, Bellanger J-M, Bezerra JL, Cabral TS, Caboň M, Caicedo E, Cantillo T, Carnegie AJ, Carmo LT, Castañeda-Ruiz RF, Clement CR, Čmoková A, Conceição LB, Cruz RHSF, Damm U, da Silva BDB, da Silva GA, da Silva RMF, de A. Santiago ALCM, Déniel F, de Oliveira LF, de Souza CAF, Déniel F, Dima B, Dong G, Edwards J, Félix CR, Fournier J, Gibertoni TB, Hosaka K, Iturriaga T, Jadan M, Jany J-L, Jurjević Ž, Kolařík M. Kušan I, Landell MF, Leite Cordeiro TR, Lima DX, Loizides M, Luo S, Machado AR, Madrid H, Magalhães OMC, Marinho P, Matočec N, Mešić A, Miller AN, Morozova OV, Neves RP, Nonaka K, Nováková A, Oberlies NH, Oliveira-Filho JRC, Oliveira TGL, Papp V, Pereira OL, Perrone G, Peterson SW, Pham THG, Raja HA, Raudabaugh DB, Řehulka J, Rodríguez-Andrade E, Saba M, Schauflerová A, Shivas RG, Simonini G, Siqueira JPZ, Sousa JO, Stajsic V, Svetasheva T, Tan YP, Tkalčec Z, Ullah S, Valente P, Valenzuela-Lopez N, Abrinbana M, Viana Marques DA, Wong PTW, Xavier de Lima V, Groenewald JZ. 2018. Fungal Planet description sheets: 716–784. Persoonia. 40:240-393
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