Tygervalleyomyces Crous, in Crous et al., Persoonia 39: 387 (2017)
Diagnosis: Conidiomata cupulate, brown, up to 200 µm diam; walls of 3–5 layers of brown textura angularis. In culture forming sporodochia with mucoid conidial mass. Conidiophores cylindrical, hyaline, smooth, flexuous, septate. Conidiogenous cells terminal, cylindrical, hyaline, smooth, proliferating percurrently with proferations widely dispersed over the length of the conidiogenous cell. Paraphyses similar to conidiophores but sterile, dispersed among conidiophores, frequently extending above them in length. Conidia solitary, cylindrical, with apex obtuse, base truncate with minute marginal frill, straight, aseptate, granular to guttulate.
Index Fungorum number: IF823393
Type species: Tygervalleyomyces podocarpi Crous, in Crous et al., Persoonia 39: 387 (2017)
Crous, PW; Wingfield, MJ; Burgess, TI; Carnegie, AJ; Hardy, GEStJ; Smith, D; Summerell, BA; Cano-Lira, JF; Guarro, J; Houbraken, J; Lombard, L; Martín, MP; Sandoval-Denis, M; Alexandrova, AV; Barnes, CW; Baseia, IG; Bezerra, JDP; Guarnaccia, V; May, TW; Hernández-Restrepo, M; Stchigel, AM; Miller, AN; Ordoñez, ME; Abreu, VP; Accioly, T; Agnello, C; Agustin Colmán, A; Albuquerque, CC; Alfredo, DS; Alvarado, P; Araújo-Magalhães, GR; Arauzo, S; Atkinson, T; Barili, A; Barreto, RW; Bezerra, JL; Cabral, TS; Camello Rodríguez, F; Cruz, RHSF; Daniëls, PP; da Silva, BDB; de Almeida, DAC; de Carvalho Júnior, AA; Decock, CA; Delgat, L; Denman, S; Dimitrov, RA; Edwards, J; Fedosova, AG; Ferreira, RJ; Firmino, AL; Flores, JA; García, D; Gené, J; Góis, JS; Gomes, AAM; Gonçalves, CM; Gouliamova, DE; Groenewald, M; Guéorguiev, BV; Guevara-Suarez, M; Gusmão, LFP; Hosaka, K; Hubka, V; Huhndorf, SM; Jadan, M; Jurjević, Ž; Kraak, B; Kučera, V; Kumar, TKA; Kušan, I; Lacerda, SR; Lamlertthon, S; Lisboa, WS; Loizides, M; Luangsa-ard, JJ; Lysková, P; Mac Cormack, WP; Macedo, DM; Machado, AR; Malysheva, EF; Marinho, P; Matočec, N; Meijer, M; Mešić, A; Mongkolsamrit, S; Moreira, KA; Morozova, OV; Nair, KU; Nakamura, N; Noisripoom, W; Olariaga, I; Oliveira, RJV; Paiva, LM; Pawar, P; Pereira, OL; Peterson, SW; Prieto, M; Rodríguez-Andrade, E; Rojo De Blas, C; Roy, M; Santos, ES; Sharma, R; Silva, GA; Souza-Motta, CM; Takeuchi-Kaneko, Y; Tanaka, C; Thakur, A; Smith, MTh; Tkalčec, Z; Valenzuela-Lopez, N; Van der Kleij, P; Verbeken, A; Viana, MG; Wang, XW; Groenewald, JZ. 2017. Fungal Planet description sheets: 625–715. Persoonia. 39:270-467
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