Mastigobasidium Golubev 1999, in Golubev, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 49(3), 1301-1305 (1999).
Etymology: Mas. tig. o'bas .id.i .um .Gr. mastig whiplash or string; M.L. basidium basidium; development of basidia on the apices of thin, long hyphae.
Diagnosis: Colonies are whitish to cream-coloured. Cells are oval, reproducing by budding and ballistospores. Cell wall ultrastructure is of the basidiomycetous type. Pseudomycelium and hyphae without clamp connections may be present. True mycelium with clamp connections and teliospores arises after conjugation of a compatible mating pair. The teliospore germinates to produce several long aseptate hyphae on the apices of which clavate, usually curved phragmometabasidia, develop. The basidiospores occurring laterally and terminally are ellipsoidal or bacilliform, single or in clusters, sessile or on pegs, and germinate by budding. Urease and D-glucuronate-positive. Fermentation absent. Major ubiquinone system: Q-9. Xylose is absent in extracellular polysaccharides. Nitrate is not assimilated.
Index Fungorum Number: IF28335
Type species: Mastigobasidium intermedium Golubev 1999, in Golubev, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 49(3), 1301-1305 (1999).
Mastigobasidium intermedium Golubev 1999
Golubev, W. I. (1999). Mastigobasidium, a new teleomorphic genus for the perfect state of ballistosporous yeast Bensingtonia intermedia. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 49(3), 1301-1305.
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