Athelopsis Oberw. ex Parmasto 1968, in Gorjón, Studies in Fungi 5(1), 166 (2020).
Diagnosis: Basidiome resupinate, thin, pellicular; hymenophore smooth, usually with yellowish tints. Hyphal system monomitic; hyphae with clamps at all septa, thin-walled, hyaline. Cystidia absent, cystidiols may be present. Basidia clavate, stalked, with 4-sterigmata, and with a basal clamp. Basidiospores ellipsoid to cylindrical, smooth, thin-walled, hyaline, IKI–.
Index Fungorum Number: IF17121
Type Species: Athelopsis glaucina (Bourdot & Galzin) Oberw. ex Parmasto 1968
Athelopsis baculifera (Bourdot & Galzin) Jülich 1971
Athelopsis bananispora (Boidin & Gilles) Hjortstam 1991
Athelopsis bicornis Hjortstam & Ryvarden 2010
Athelopsis bispora (Boidin & Gilles) Hjortstam & Ryvarden 2007
Athelopsis colombiensis Hjortstam & Ryvarden 2001
Athelopsis crystallifera (Rick) Hjortstam & Ryvarden 1982
Athelopsis crystallifera (Rick) Hjortstam 1987
Athelopsis curvispora Hjortstam & Ryvarden 2010
Athelopsis fusoidea (Jülich) Tellería 1995
Athelopsis galzinii (Bres.) Hjortstam 1991
Athelopsis glaucina (Bourdot & Galzin) Oberw. ex Parmasto 1968
Athelopsis gloeocystidiata Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1999
Athelopsis hypochnoidea Jülich 1971
Athelopsis lacerata (Litsch.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden 1973
Athelopsis lembospora (Bourdot) Oberw. 1972
Athelopsis lunata (Romell ex Bourdot & Galzin) Parmasto 1968
Athelopsis parvispora Avn.P. Singh, Dhingra & J. Kaur 2010
Athelopsis pausiaca (Liberta) Parmasto 1968
Athelopsis recondita (H.S. Jacks.) Parmasto 1968
Athelopsis subglaucina S.L. Liu & L.W. Zhou 2024
Athelopsis subinconspicua (Litsch.) Jülich 1975
Athelopsis tenuicystidiata Gorjón, Gresl. & Rajchenb. 2012
Athelopsis vesicularis Hjortstam, P. Roberts & Spooner 2009
Athelopsis virescens Hallenb. & Hjortstam 1996
Athelopsis viridula Parmasto 1968
Gorjón, S.P. (2020). Genera of corticioid fungi: keys, nomenclature, and taxonomy. Studies in Fungi 5(1), 125–309.
Recent Genus
Recent Species
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