Stypellopsis Spirin & Malysheva 2018, in Spirin et al., Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 112, 753-764 (2018).
Diagnosis: Basidiocarps appearing as small gelatinous outgrowths from a hardly visible subiculum, later fusing into reticulate, compound basidiocarps. Hyphal structure monomitic, hyphae clamped, subicular hyphae embedded in a solid gelatinous matter and almost indiscernable, subhymenial hyphae ascending, some brownish in KOH. Tramal cystidia tubular, slightly or distinctly tapering upwards, apically blunt or sharpened, occasionally somewhat moniliform. Gloeocystidia often present, arising at different levels, irregularly arranged, often pleural. Some cystidia with brownish-coloured contents in KOH. Basidia 2–4- celled, pedunculate, 8–11.5 9 7–11.5 µm, with slender or rather thick, occasionally branched sterigmata. Basidiospores thin-walled, broadly ellipsoid to subglobose, repetitive, 4.5–7 9 4–6 µm, often with one large oil drop.
Index Fungorum Number: IF826893
Type species: Stypellopsis hyperborea Spirin & Malysheva 2018, in Spirin et al., Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 112, 753-764 (2018).
Stypellopsis farlowii (Burt) Spirin & K.H. Larss. 2018
Stypellopsis hyperborea Spirin & Malysheva 2018
Spirin, V., Malysheva, V., Haelewaters, D., & Larsson, K. H. (2019). Studies in the Stypella vermiformis group (Auriculariales, Basidiomycota). Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 112, 753-764.
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