Helicomyxa R. Kirschner & Chee J. Chen, Studies in Mycology 50 (2): 338 (2004)
Etymology: Helico- – referring to the strongly curved conidia, myxa – referring to the slimy sporodochia.
Diagnosis: Sporodochia superficial, gelatinous, cupulate, pulvinate, or discoid. Stromatic elements absent. Conidiophores forming a central layer in the sporodochium, irregularly branched, with clamps at the septa, hyaline. Conidiogenous cells terminal and lateral, hyaline. Conidia developing at the apex of conidiogenous cells from clamps that arise from the base of the previously developed conidium, curved, dikaryotic, hyaline, forming a slimy mass covering the sporodochium. Hyphal septa with dolipores and continuous parenthesomes.
Index Fungorum number: IF28855
Type species: Helicomyxa everhartioides R. Kirschner & Chee J. Chen, Studies in Mycology 50 (2): 338 (2004)
Kirschner R, Chen, CJ 2004. Helicomyxa everhartioides, a new helicosporous sporodochial hyphomycete from Taiwan with relationships to the Hyaloriaceae (Auriculariales, Basidiomycota). Studies in Mycology. 50(2):337-342
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