Alessioporus Gelardi, Vizzini & Simonini, in Gelardi et al., Mycologia 106(6): 1171 (2014)
Etymology: Named in honour of the late Carlo Luciano Alessio, who first described the species and dedicated most of his mycological studies to the investigation of Italian boletes.
Diagnosis: Basidiomes pileate-stipitate with tubular-poroid hymenophore, epigeal, small to medium-small.
Pileus tomentose to glabrous, dry, with a wavy-lobed margin when young, ochraceous-brown, dark olive-brown to copper-brown with brownish-black fibrils. Hymenophore adnate to depressed around the stipe, bright yellow to olive-green. Stipe surface reticulate to coarsely ribbed or occasionally smooth, exhibiting a prominent narrow pseudo-annulus generally in the middle or lower part of the stipe, which is reminescent of the junction point of pileus and stipe resulting from a secondary angiocarpy (mixangiocarpy) at the very early developmental stage, rooting at the base; context whitish to yellowish but darker downwards; tissues quickly discoloring dark indigo blue when handled or injured; Taste mild; Spore print olive-brown.
Basidiospores smooth, ellipsoidal to ellipsoidal-fusoid. Cystidia cylindrical-fusiform to ventricose-fusiform or lageniform. Pileipellis a trichoderm of interwoven, filamentous hyphae; hymenophoral trama bilateral-divergent of the “Boletus-type” with a lateral stipe stratum of the “boletoid type”. Clamp connections absent; growing gregarious to more often caespitose or branched with up to twelve basidiomes arising from a common base and occasionally with secondary fruiting bodies emerging from the stipe of adjacent basidiomes.
Index Fungorum number: IF808529
Type species: Alessioporus ichnusanus (Alessio, Galli & Littini) Gelardi, Vizzini & Simonini 2014, in Gelardi et al., Mycologia 106(6): 1171 (2014)
Alessioporus ichnusanus (Alessio, Galli & Littini) Gelardi, Vizzini & Simonini 2014
Alessioporus rubriflavus J.L. Frank, A.R. Bessette & Bessette 2017
Key reference:
Gelardi, Matteo & Simonini, Giampaolo & Ercole, Enrico & Vizzini, Alfredo. (2014). Alessioporus and Pulchroboletus (Boletaceae, Boletineae), two novel genera for Xerocomus ichnusanus and X. roseoalbidus from the European Mediterranean basin: Molecular and morphological evidence. Mycologia. 106(6), 1168–1187. 10.3852/14-042.
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