Hymenoboletus Y.C. Li & Zhu L. Yang, in Wu et al., Fungal Diversity 81: 100 (2016)
Etymology: ‘‘Hymeno-’’ refers to the hymeniform pileipellis.
Diagnosis: This genus differs from all other genera of Boletaceae in its scabrous stipe surface and chrome yellow stipe base, white to pallid context in pileus and yellow to chrome yellow context in stipe which is without color change when hurt, white to pinkish or pink hymenophore, hymeniform pileipellis and smooth basidiospores.
Basidioma stipitate-pileate with tubular hymenophore. Pileus hemispherical or convex, subtomentose, dry; context white to cream, without discoloration when injured. Hymenophore depressed around apex of stipe; hymenophoral surface white when young, and becoming pinkish or pink when mature; pores angular or roundish; tubes concolorous with hymenophoral surface, unchanging in color when injured. Stipe central, pink to purplish pink, but yellow to yellowish at apex and bright yellow to chrome yellow at base; basal mycelium chrome yellow. Basidiospores smooth, subfusiform. Pleuro- and cheilocystidia subfusiform to subfusiform-ventricose or clavate. Pileipellis hymeniform. Clamp connections absent.
Index Fungorum number: IF818462
Type species: Hymenoboletus luteopurpureus Yan C. Li & Zhu L. Yang 2016, in Wu et al., Fungal Diversity 81: 100 (2016)
Notes: This genus is macro-morphologically similar to Chiua, Harrya, Royoungia and Zangia. However, they differ in micro-morphological characters, including the pileipellis structure, the discoloration when injured, and the molecular-phylogenetic evidence. The genus Hymenoboletus clusters together with Harrya. However, they differ in micro-morphological characters. Currently, only a single species is known from this genus.
Wu G; Li YC; Zhu XT; Zhao K; Han LH; Cui YY; Li F; Xu JP; Yang ZL. 2016. One hundred noteworthy boletes from China. Fungal Diversity. 81:25-188
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