Neotropicomus A.C. Magnago, Alves-Silva & T.W Henkel 2022, in Magnago, et al., Mycologia 114, 607-625 (2022)
Etymology: Neotropics (Latin), referring to the occurrence in the Western Hemisphere tropics, and -comus (Greek), a god of revelry, in reference to the xerocomoid basidiomata.
Diagnosis: Basidiomata epigeous; pileus smooth to rugulose; hymenophore tubulose-poroid, pale olivaceous yellow; pores 1–2 mm wide, isodiametric to subangular; stipe smooth to minutely scabrous; context unchanging; basidiospores olivaceous in deposit, subfusoid to fusoid, smooth; hymenophoral trama phylloporoid.
Index Fungorum Number: IF836044
Type species: Neotropicomus australis A.C. Magnago 2022, in Magnago, et al., Mycologia 114, 607-625 (2022)
Neotropicomus australis A.C. Magnago 2022
Neotropicomus parvogracilis (T.W. Henkel & Husbands) A.C. Magnago & T.W. Henkel 2022
Magnago, A. C., & Alves-Silva, G., & Henkel, T. W., & da Silveira, R. M. B. (2022). New genera, species, and combinations of Boletaceae from Brazil and Guyana. Mycologia 114, 607-625.
Recent Genus
Recent Species
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Tricholomella constricta