Paxilloboletus Furneaux, De Kesel & F.K. Khan, in Badou et al., Mycological Progress 21(1): 247 (2022)
Etymology: Paxilloboletus–the name combines Paxillus and Boletus because morphologically the specimens resemble Paxillus but genetically they are more related to Boletus.
Diagnosis: Basidiomata epigeal, putrescent, pileate, stipitate, evelate, with lamellate hymenophore, medium to small sized; pileus convex to slightly depressed, tomentose, usually with persistently incurved margin; hymenophore easily separated from context of pileus, strongly decurrent, with lamellae regularly bifurcating and anastomosing, yellow, becoming yellowish brown; stipe solid, dry, tomentose, with or without ridges or reticulation in its uppermost part; basal mycelium whitish; context whitish to yellowish white throughout, unchangeable when exposed, strongly amyloid in the lamellae; taste fungal, insignificant; odor weak, insignificant; spore print yellowish brown, without olivaceous tint; basidiospores ellipsoid-fusiform, smooth under SEM; caulo-, cheilo- and pleurocystidia of similar shape, the latter much more abundant than cheilo- and caulocystidia; pileipellis a tomentum; hymenophoral trama divergent near the pileal context, subregular to regular toward the lamella edge, gelatinized; clamp connections absent.
Index Fungorum number: IF840710
Type species: Paxilloboletus africanus Badou, De Kesel & Yorou, in Badou et al., Mycological Progress 21(1): 247 (2022)
Paxilloboletus africanus Badou, De Kesel & Yorou 2022
Paxilloboletus latisporus De Kesel, Furneaux & Ryberg 2022
Badou SA, Furneaux B, De Kesel A, Khan FK, Houdanon RD, Ryberg M, Yorou NS. 2022. Paxilloboletus gen. nov., a new lamellate bolete genus from tropical Africa. Mycological Progress. 21(1), 243–56.
Recent Genus
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