Rugiboletus G. Wu & Zhu L. Yang, in Wu et al. Fungal Diversity 81(1):1–24 (2015)
Etymology: “Rugi-“refers to the wrinkled pileus.
Diagnosis: This genus differs from all other genera of Boletaceae by its distinctively wrinkled and gelatinized pileus with yellow hymenophoral tubes, a stipe surface covered with distinctively dotted squamules, and an ixotrichodermium pileipellis.
Basidiomata stipitate-pileate with tubular hymenophore. Pileus hemispherical, convex or applanate, subtomentose, dry, strongly wrinkled (especially when young), usually with incurved or extended margin; context cream, light yellow to yellow, unchanging or staining light blue slowly when bruised. Hymenophore adnexed; hymenophoral surface light yellow, yellow, or brown, reddish brown to yellowish brown, unchanging or staining blue to dark blue quickly when bruised; pores nearly round to round; tubes grayish-yellowish, brownish yellow, unchanging or staining blue, dark blue to greenish blue quickly when bruised, adnate. Stipe central, light yellow to yellow, covered by minute squamules; context cream to light yellow, unchanging or staining light blue slowly when bruised; basal mycelia off-white to light yellow. Pileipellis an ixotrichodermium to an interwoven ixotrichodermium. Pleuro- and cheilocystidia subfusiform-ventricose. Basidiospores smooth, subfusiform, brownish yellow. Clamp connections absent.
Index Fungorum number: IF810352
Type species: Rugiboletus extremiorientalis (Lar.N. Vassiljeva) G. Wu & Zhu L. Yang 2015, in Wu et al. Fungal Diversity 81(1):1–24 (2015)
Rugiboletus andinus (Halling) Halling & B. Ortiz 2020
Rugiboletus brunneiporus G. Wu & Zhu L. Yang 2015
Rugiboletus extremiorientalis (Lar.N. Vassiljeva) G. Wu & Zhu L. Yang 2015
Key References
Wu G, Zhao K, Li Y-C, Zeng N-K, Feng B, Halling RE, Yang Z-L (2016). Four new genera of the fungal family Boletaceae. Fungal Divers, 81(1):1–24
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