Singerocomus T.W. Henkel & M.E. Sm., in Henkel et al., Mycologia 108(1): 167 (2016)
Etymology: Singero-, referring the late agaricologist Rolf Singer; and -comus (Greek), a god of revelry; in reference to the describer of the type species, which was originally placed in Xerocomus.
Diagnosis: Basidiomata epigeous. Pileus pinkish red to red, tomentose, trama white to light yellow, un‐ changing. Hymenophore tubulose, depressed at stipe, yellow, unchanging, pores subangular. Stipe equal, concolorous or lighter, glabrous or with squamules and scales, base yellow, dull yellow tomentose, trama white to light yellow. Basidiospores olivaceous brown in deposit, smooth, inamyloid. Pleurocystidia present. Cheilocystidia present or absent. Hymenophoral trama parallel to slightly divergent (phylloporoid). Pileipellis a trichodermium, terminal cells cylindrical. Clamp connections absent.
Index Fungorum number: IF811838
Type species: Singerocomus inundabilis (Singer) T.W. Henkel 2016 in Henkel et al., Mycologia 108(1): 167 (2016)
Singerocomus atlanticus A.C. Magnago 2018
Singerocomus inundabilis (Singer) T.W. Henkel 2016
Singerocomus rubriflavus T.W. Henkel & Husbands 2016
Key References
Henkel TW, Obase K, Husbands D, Uehling JK, Bonito G, Aime MC, Smith ME (2016). New Boletaceae taxa from Guyana: Binderoboletus segoi gen. and sp. nov., Guyanaporus albipodus gen. and sp. nov., Singerocomus rubriflavus gen. and sp. nov., and a new combination for Xerocomus inundabilis. Mycologia 108(1):157–173
Recent Genus
Recent Species
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