Solioccasus Trappe, Osmundson, Manfr. Binder, Castellano & Halling, in Trappe et al., Mycologia 105(4): 891 (2013)
Etymology: Latin Soli- (sun) and –occasus (setting of heavenly bodies), hence “sunset”, in reference to the brilliant yellows, pinks, oranges and reddish oranges of the basidiomata, mimicking the rich colors of Australian sunsets.
Basidiomata hypogeous to partly emergent, up to 45 mm broad, subglobose to deeply lobed and furrowed, with robust yellow to orange rhizomorphs emergent from the base and adpressed against the sides. Peridium entire to split open or mostly absent to reveal the gleba locules, ivory in youth but soon developing yellow, pink-orange or reddish orange colors, with or without a suprapellis of a tangled trichodermium. Gleba similarly colored as the peridium, loculate, with a prominent to inconspicuous, dendroid, cartilaginous columella. Spores smooth by light microscopy, minutely roughened by SEM, ellipsoid or rarely subangular to allantoid.
Index Fungorum number: IF800824
Type species: Solioccasus polychromus Trappe, Osmundson, Binder, Castellano, & Halling 2013, in Trappe et al., Mycologia 105(4): 891 (2013)
Trappe J.M., Castellano M.A., Halling R.E., Osmundson T.W., Binder M., Fechner N.A., & Malajczuk N. (2013). “Australasian sequestrate fungi 18: Solioccasus polychromus gen. & sp. nov., a richly colored, tropical to subtropical, hypogeous fungus.” Mycologia 105 4 (2013): 888-95
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