Tengioboletus reticulatus
Tengioboletus reticulatus G. Wu & Zhu L. Yang, in Wu et al., Fungal Diversity 81: 100 (2016)
Etymology: The epithet ‘‘reticulatus’’ refers to the reticulate stipe of this species.
Pileus 4–10 cm in diam., convex to applanate; surface olive brown, brownish, brown to dark brown (4D4–4D5, 6D4–6D5, 5F6, 7F7), nearly glabrous, dry; context light yellow (2A4–2A5), color unchanging when cut. Hymenophore adnate to sinuate; surface yellow (2A6–3A6), up to 0.8 cm thick, color unchanging when cut; pores ca. 1/mm; tubes up to 1 cm long, concolorous with hymenophoral surface, color unchanging when cut. Stipe 8–12 9 1–1.5 cm, subcylindrical to clavate, light yellow (4A4–4A5) to yellowish brown (5D6–5E6), with distinct concolorous or paler reticulations on the upper to middle part of stipe; context light yellow (2A4–2A5), color unchanging when cut; basal mycelium cream to light yellow. Clamp connections absent.
Basidia 28–39 x 9–13 μm, clavate, 4-spored. Basidiospores 12–14.5 (16) x 4.5–6 (6.5) μm [Q= (2.17) 2.29–2.69 (2.92), Qm = 2.53 ± 0.14], subfusiform and inequilateral in side view with suprahilar depression, subfusoid in ventral view, brownish yellow, smooth. Hymenophoral trama boletoid; hyphae cylindrical, 6–11 μm wide. Cheilocystidia scattered, 20.5–40 x 7.5–9 μm, thinwalled. Pleurocystidia scattered, 40–65 x 8.5–11 μm, fusoid-ventricose to broadly fusoid-ventricose with long beak, thin-walled. Pileipellis a trichodermium up to 110 μm thick, composed of moniliform hyphae 8–19 μm wide, with inflated terminal cells 18–42 x 11–22 μm. Pileal trama composed of interwoven hyphae 5–9 μm wide. Stipitipellis 30–40 μm thick, hymeniform, with clavate terminal cells 23–37 x 7–14 μm. Stipe trama composed of parallel hyphae 6–12 μm wide, slightly thickwalled (�.8 μm).
Habitat: Scattered on soil in subtropical forests of Fagaceae (Lithocarpus spp., Castanopsis spp., and Quercus spp.).
Known distribution: Currently only known from central China.
Additional specimen examined: CHINA, HUNAN PROVINCE: Yizhang County, Mangshan National Forest Park, 3 September 2007, alt. 880 m, Y.C. Li 1081 (HKAS 53426).
Index Fungorum number: IF818491
Notes: Tengioboletus reticulatus is characterized by its reticulate stipe, context without color change when cut, and trichodermium pileipellis composed of moniliform hyphae with inflated terminal cells.
Figure 1. Fresh basidiomata of representative species. n–o. Tengioboletus reticulatus (HKAS53426)
Figure 2. Tengioboletus glutinosus (HKAS 53425, holotype). a. Pileipellis; b. Basidiospores; c. Cheilocystidia; d. Basidia and pleurocystidia; e. Pleurocystidia. Scale bars = 10 μm
Wu G; Li YC; Zhu XT; Zhao K; Han LH; Cui YY; Li F; Xu JP; Yang ZL. 2016. One hundred noteworthy boletes from China. Fungal Diversity. 81:25-188
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