Coniophoropsis Hjortstam & Ryvarden 1986, in Gorjón, Studies in Fungi 5(1), 183 (2020).
Diagnosis: Basidiome resupinate, effused, closely adnate, hymenial surface smooth, brown violet or with an olivaceous tint, margin paler, whitish, subiculum distinct, loose and soft, whitish. Hyphal system monomitic, hyphae simple-septate, hyaline or with a yellowish tint, thin-walled, smooth or encrusted. Dendrohyphidia poorly differentiated, with few more or less perpendicular branches, protruding above the basidial layer. Cystidia absent. Basidia cylindrical to suburniform, with a median constriction, with 4-sterigmata, with a simple basal septum. Basidiospores subfusiform to subamygdaliform, verrucose, distinctly thick-walled, with yellowish-brown spore walls, inamyloid, indextrinoid, strongly cyanophilous.
Index Fungorum Number: IF25755
Type Species: Coniophoropsis obscura Hjortstam & Ryvarden 1986
Coniophoropsis bambusicola S.H. He & Nakasone 2018
Coniophoropsis obscura Hjortstam & Ryvarden 1986
Gorjón, S.P. (2020). Genera of corticioid fungi: keys, nomenclature, and taxonomy. Studies in Fungi 5(1), 125–309.
Recent Genus
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