Chlorogaster Læssøe & Jalink 2004, in Læssøe & Jalink, Persoonia, 18(3), 421 (2004).
Diagnosis: Gasterocarp epigeous, slenderly pyriform to broadly clavate, pseudostipitate, entirely covered with dark green to blackish conspicuous conical warts. Peristome present. Exoperidium consisting of irregular (rounded) angular, almost isodiametric to rectangular elements, clearly delimited from the hyphal endoperidium. True capillitium lacking, paracapillitium present. Spores globose, dark brown, with very high, crested ornament, up to 30 pm in diameter including ornamentation.
Index Fungorum Number: IF28890
Type Species: Chlorogaster dipterocarpi Læssøe & Jalink 2004, in Læssøe & Jalink, Persoonia, 18(3), 421 (2004).
Chlorogaster dipterocarpi Læssøe & Jalink 2004
Læssøe, T., & Jalink, L. (2004). Chlorogaster dipterocarpi, a new peristomate gasteroid taxon of the Sclerodermataceae. Persoonia, 18(3), 421-428.
Recent Genus
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