Boidinella Nakasone 2011, in Nakasone, Cryptogamie, Mycologie, 32, 191-197 (2011)
Etymology: In honor of Dr. Jacques Boidin, eminent French mycologist and expert on the corticioid fungi.
Diagnosis: Basidiomata resupinate, effuse, thin, soft, fragile, smooth, densely farinaceous to membranous, margin more or less abrupt. Hyphal system monomitic with clamped hyphae. Dendrohyphidia delicate. Leptocystidia obclavate, attenuate, sometimes moniliform. Basidia urniform, oleaginous, walls cyanophilous, 4-sterigmate. Basidiospores subspherical to ellipsoid, walls hyaline, smooth, slightly thick, cyanophilous, not amyloid. On dead stems of monocots.
Index Fungorum Number: IF561243
Type species: Boidinella globulispora (Boidin & Lanq.) Nakasone 2011, in Nakasone, Cryptogamie, Mycologie, 32, 191-197 (2011)
Notes: The essential features of Boidinella are its effuse, soft, densely farinaceous or membranous basidioma, urniform basidia with 4-sterigmata, obclavate leptocystidia, dendrohyphidia, and basidiospores with smooth, slightly thickened, cyanophilous walls. Boidinella is rare for only two species and just three specimens are known. The species are reported from Africa, Reunion Island, and Japan as saprobes on stems of various monocots in the Poales and Zingiberales. The exact phylogenetic relationship of Boidinella cannot be determined without DNA sequence data; however, its urniform basidia suggest a relationship to Sistotrema Fr. in the Cantharellales Gäum.
Boidinella is morphologically similar to Dendrothele sensu stricto. Both genera produce urniform to suburniform basidia, dendrohyphidia, and subglobose to ellipsoid basidiospores with cyanophilous walls. However, they differ significantly in several features. For example, the overall delicate, fragile nature of the hyphae, dendrohyphidia, cystidia, and basidia of Boidinella contrasts with the relative robustness of the same structures in Dendrothele. The basidia in Boidinella are consistently urniform or suburniform, whereas in Dendrothele basidia are clavate, subcylindrical, or pleural (Nakasone, 2006, 2009). Crystals are embedded throughout the basidiomata of Dendrothele species, probably as an adaptation to their preferred exposed habitat on bark of living trees and shrubs.
In comparison, Boidinella species lack crystals and inhabit dead stems of monocots. Other genera with similarities to Boidinella include Sistotremella Hjortstam, Leptocorticium Hjortstam & Ryvarden, and Hypochnicium J. Erikss. In Sistotremella, urniform basidia, always with 6-8 sterigmata, are significantly smaller, 8-18 × 3-6 μm, than those in Boidinella. Thus, basidiospores in Sistotremella, also with cyanophilous walls, are much smaller compared to those in Boidinella. Other differences between the two genera include the texture and thickness of the basidiomata (Eriksson et al., 1984).
Shared features between Leptocorticium and Boidinella include soft, fragile basidiomata, delicate dendrohyphidia, obclavate leptocystidia, and being saprobic on monocots. The leptocystidia are narrower, 3-8 μm diam, in Leptocorticium compared to those in Boidinella. In Leptocorticium, however, the basidiospore walls are thin and not cyanophilous. Furthermore, basidia in Leptocorticium are quite varied. In addition to urniform and suburniform forms, basidia may be cylindrical, clavate or subpleural (Nakasone, 2005).
Some Hypochnicium species have basidiomata with a soft, open texture and basidiospores with smooth, slightly thickened, cyanophilous walls similar to that found in Boidinella. Although basidia in Hypochnicium are sometimes described as suburniform, they are typically clavate and larger than those in Boidinella. Obclavate leptocystidia and dendrohyphidia are unknown among species of Hypochnicium (Bernicchia & Gorjón, 2010; Eriksson & Ryvarden, 1976).
Boidinella cystidiolophora (Boidin & Gilles) Nakasone 2011
Boidinella globulispora (Boidin & Lanq.) Nakasone 2011
Bernicchia, A., & Gorjón, S. P. (2010). Fungi Europaei 12: Corticiaceae sl Alassio: Edizioni Candusso.
Eriksson, J., & Ryvarden, L. (1976). The Corticiaceae of North Europe Volume 4, Hyphodermella-Mycoacia., 549-886.
Eriksson J., & Hjortstam K., & Ryvarden L. (1984). The Corticiaceae of North Europe. Schizopora - Suillosporium. Volume 7. Oslo, Fungiflora, 1279-1449.
Nakasone, K.K. (2005). Leptocorticium (Corticiaceae s.l., Basidiomycota): new species and combinations. Mycological Progress, 4, 251-256.
Nakasone K.K. (2006). Dendrothele griseocana (Corticiaceae) and related taxa with hyphal pegs. Nova Hedwigia, 83, 99-108.
Nakasone K.K. (2009). Morphological studies of Dendrothele species from North America. North American Fungi 4: 1-15.
Nakasone, K. K. (2011). Boidinella gen. nov.(Cantharellales, Basidiomycota). Cryptogamie, Mycologie, 32, 191-197.
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