Capillosclerotium Prameela & Deeba, in Premeela et al., Journal of Mycopathological Research 51(1): 91 (2013)
Diagnosis: The growth of the new fungus on Oat meal agar is characterized by the presence of straw coloured, sparse, thin, radial and septate mycelium with clamp connections; construction at the point of origin of lateral branches from the main hypha; septum in the branch near the junction with the main axis; Globose, golden yellow to orange coloured shiny sclerotia with unusual thin white hairs on its surface; sclerotia made with distinct rind and medulla; and absence of monillioid cells.
Index Fungorum number: IF801129
Type species: Capillosclerotium indicum Prameela & Deeba, in Premeela et al., Journal of Mycopathological Research 51(1): 91 (2013)
Prameela DT, Kamil D, Mathur N, Prabhakaran N. 2013. Capillosclerotium, a new genus in the order Corticiales causing Stem rot of Cluster Bean (Cyanopsis tetragonoloba L.). Journal of Mycopathological Research. 51(1):89-94
Recent Genus
Recent Species
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