Bannoa Hamam. 2002, in Hamamoto, et al., International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 52, 1023-1032 (2002)
Etymology: Bannoa (Ban´no.a. N.L. fem. n. Bannoa of Banno, in honour of I. Banno, for his pioneering work on the teleomorphic life cycle of basidiomycetous yeasts).
Diagnosis: The genus is placed in the class Urediniomyces. Colonies are orange to salmon-red. Cells are spherical to ovoid, single or in pairs. Ballistoconidia are ovoidal and ellipsoidal. Pseudomycelium is absent. True mycelium with clamp connections at septa is produced after cell conjugation. Teliospores are not formed. Unicellular basidia arise laterally on a clamp or terminally. Cells of basidia germinate with hyphae, from which yeast cells originate. Sugars are not fermented. Urease and Diazonium blue B reactions are positive. Xylose is absent from whole-cell hydrolysates. The major ubiquinone is Q-10(H2).
Index Fungorum Number: IF28645
Type species: Bannoa hahajimensis Hamam., Thanh & Nakase 2002, in Hamamoto, et al., International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 52, 1023-1032 (2002)
Bannoa bischofiae (Hamam., Thanh & Nakase) Q.M. Wang, F.Y. Bai, M. Groenew. & Boekhout 2015
Bannoa guamensis P.P. Parra & Aime 2019
Bannoa hahajimensis Hamam., Thanh & Nakase 2002
Bannoa macarangae Y.P. Tan, Marney & R.G. Shivas 2021
Bannoa ogasawarensis (Hamam., Thanh & Nakase) Q.M. Wang, F.Y. Bai, M. Groenew. & Boekhout 2015
Bannoa rosea P.P. Parra & Aime 2019
Bannoa syzygii (Hamam., Thanh & Nakase) Q.M. Wang, F.Y. Bai, M. Groenew. & Boekhout 2015
Bannoa tropicalis P.P. Parra & Aime 2019
Hamamoto, M., & Thanh, V. N., & Nakase, T. (2002). Bannoa hahajimensis gen. nov., sp. nov., and three related anamorphs, Sporobolomyces bischofiae sp. nov., Sporobolomyces ogasawarensis sp. nov. and sporobolomyces syzygii sp. nov., yeasts isolated from plants in Japan. International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 52, 1023-1032.
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