Boreostereum Parmasto 1968, in Gorjón, Studies in Fungi 5(1), 170 (2020).
Diagnosis: Basidiome annual, resupinate to effuse-reflexed, soft-coriaceous to brittle; upper sterile surface dark brown to black; hymenial surface even to radially and concentrically folded, brownish orange. Hyphal system dimitic, generative hyphae without clamps, hyaline to pale brown; skeletal hyphae greenish in KOH. Hyphidia acute. Cystidia absent, hyphoid hyphal ends present. Basidia subclavate to subcylindrical, with 4-sterigmata, and with a simple basal septum. Basidiospores cylindrical, hyaline to yellowish; smooth, thin-walled, IKI–.
Index Fungorum Number: IF17180
Type Species: Boreostereum radiatum (Peck) Parmasto 1968
Notes: Boreostereum is characterized by the dimitic hyphal system with hyphae and cystidiols having characteristic brown encrustation that turns greenish in potassium hydroxide (Parmasto 1968). Boreostereum belongs to the Gloeophyllaceae, with Veluticeps and Chaetodermella as the closest related genera. The species within this family are saprobics and associated with a brown rot (Larsson 2007).
Boreostereum borbonicum Boidin & Gilles 2000
Boreostereum radiatum (Peck) Parmasto 1968
Boreostereum sulphuratum (Berk. & Ravenel) G.Y. Zheng & Z.S. Bi 1990
Boreostereum vibrans (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Davydkina & Bondartseva 1976
Gorjón, S.P. (2020). Genera of corticioid fungi: keys, nomenclature, and taxonomy. Studies in Fungi 5(1), 125–309.
Larsson, K.H. (2007). Re-thinking the classification of corticioid fungi. Mycological Research 111(9), 1040–1063.
Parmasto, E. (1968). Conspectus Systematis Corticiacearum. 1–261. Tartu; Institutum Zoologicum et Botanicum Academiae Scientiarum RPSS Estonicae.
Recent Genus
Recent Species
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