Oxyporaceae Zmitr. & Malysheva, in Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya 48 (3): 169 (2014)
Diagnostic characters: Basidiomes annual or perennial, pileate to resupinateand widely prostrate. Hymenophore tubular, one-layeredto multilayered. Tubes initially cup-shaped, later of normalappearance, rather thick-walled, tough-fibrous. Hyphalsystem pseudodimitic. Hyphae simple-septate, thin-walledto thick-walled, inamyloid, in tube trama densely interwo-ven. Pseudocystidia, if present, thick-walled, cylindrical,with or without an apical incrustation. Leptocystidia hy-phoid to fusoid, apically encrusted. Basidia clavate, witho-ut a medial constriction, 4-spored, without a basal clamp.Basidiospores ovoid to subglobose, inamyloid, acyanophi-lous to cyanophilous. On living and fallen deciduous or co-niferous wood. Causes a white rot.
Index Fungorum number: IF806128
Type genus: Oxyporus (Bourdot & Galzin) Donk, in Mededelingen van het botanisch Museum en Herbarium van de Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht 9: 202 (1933)
ZmitrovichI.V; Malysheva,V.F. 2014. Studies on Oxyporus I. Segregation of Emmia and general topology of phylogenetic tree. Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya. 48(3):161-171
Recent Genus
Recent Species
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