Gallacea Lloyd 1905, in Castellano & Beever, New Zealand Journal of Botany, 32(3), 305-328 (1994).
Etymology: From Latin galla, the oak-apple (oakgall), referring to the resemblance of the basidiomata such galls.
Diagnosis: Basidiomata large (to 10cm), globose to subglobose, broadly obpyriform or irregularly lobed. Peridium thick (c. 500-1500 pm), white to pale yellow, pale pink, violet, or purple, bruising pinkish brown to brown, occasionally separable from gleba. Gleba olive to brown, with more or less radially elongate locules partially filled with spores, often developing large (up to 2 cm) schizogenous cavities. Odour nil to acetylenic or sweetish putrid. Basidia in a euhymenium, hyaline, thin-walled, 4-6(-7)- spored. Subhymenium poorly developed to inconspicuous. Spores statismosporic, orthotropic to slightly heterotropic, smooth, ellipsoid to oblong, lacking an utricle, with a distinct sterigmal attachment, pale green, yellow olive, or pale olive brown, slightly dextrinoid in Melzer's reagent. Development angiocarpic, hypogeous to subepigeous.
Index Fungorum Number: IF19128
Type Species: Gallacea scleroderma (Cooke) Lloyd 1905, in Castellano & Beever, New Zealand Journal of Botany, 32(3), 305-328 (1994).
Gallacea avellanea Pat. 1911
Gallacea dingleyae Castellano & Beever 1994
Gallacea eburnea Castellano & Beever 1994
Gallacea scleroderma (Cooke) Lloyd 1905
Gallacea subalpina Trappe & Claridge 2003
Gallacea violacea (Cooke & Massee) Lloyd 1923
Castellano, M. A., & Beever, R. E. (1994). Truffle-like Basidiomycotina of New Zealand: Gallacea, Hysterangium, Phallobata, and Protubera. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 32(3), 305-328.
Recent Genus
Recent Species
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Tricholomella constricta