Abrachium floriforme
Abrachium floriforme (Baseia & Calonge) Baseia & T.S. Cabral 2012, in Cabral et al., Mycotaxon 119: 424 (2012).
Diagnosis: Egg subglobose, 15–20 mm diam, epigeal, white yellowish (4A3), mycelial cords robust, white. Volva composed of an internal, hyaline, gelatinous layer and a membranous structure, made of hyaline, septate, branched hyphae, 3–7 µm diam. Stipe cylindrical, spongy, reddish (11A6) to pink (11A4), 30–40 mm high, 5–8 mm wide, with a pseudoparenchymatous structure made of globose elements, 12–45 µm diam, with intracellular pigment. Receptacle with the same anatomy, sunflower-shaped, 15–35 mm diam, without branches or any vestiges of them, pinkish (11A4), central disc perforate, showing a reddish edge (11A8), covered by the gelatinous gleba, of a grey brownish colour (11F1). Spores cylindrical to bacilloid, 4–6 (–7) — 1.5–2 µm, smooth, hyaline. When fresh it produces a repellent odour, reminiscent of cow dung.
Index Fungorum Number: IF561619
Figures 1. Fresh specimen of Abrachium floriforme. Bar = 10 mm.
Figure 2. Phylogenetic tree of Phallales obtained through Bayesian analysis of atp6, nuc-LSU rRNA, and RPB2 sequences. Numbers preceding ‘/’ = Bayesian posterior probability values (PP) and after ‘/’ = maximum parsimony bootstrap values (BT).
Cabral, T. S., Marinho, P., Goto, B. T., & Baseia, I. G. (2012). Abrachium, a new genus in the Clathraceae, and Itajahya reassessed. Mycotaxon, 119(1), 419-429.
Recent Genus
Recent Species
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