Phaeodaedalea M. Fidalgo 1961, in Fidalgo, Mycologia, 53(2), 201-210 (1961).
Diagnosis: Fruiting body sessile, dimidiate, flabelliform, applanate or resupinate, corky; pilear surface tomentose, then glabrescent, zonate, subsulcate or tuberculate; context homogeneous, medium to dark brown; hymenial surface initially daedaloid, then lamelliform, with hexagonal pores or irpiciform, vinous when fresh, fuscous brown by drying. Hyphal system trimitic; generative hyphae hyaline, septate, with clamps: skeletal hyphae yellowish brown: binding hyphae hyaline. Spores globose to subglobose, brown, with smooth and thickened external wall. Basidia short, hyaline, subclavate, with short and roundish sterigmata. Cystidia yellowish brown, thickened, fusiform to ventricose. Setae and hyphal pegs not observed.
Index Fungorum Number: IF18218
Type species: Phaeodaedalea sprucei (Berk.) M. Fidalgo 1962, in Fidalgo, Mycologia, 53(2), 201-210 (1961).
Phaeodaedalea incerta (Curr.) Ţura, Zmitr., Wasser & Spirin 2011
Phaeodaedalea sprucei (Berk.) M. Fidalgo 1962
Fidalgo, M. K. (1961). The genus Phaeodaedalea. Mycologia, 53(2), 201-210.
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