Crystallicutis El-Gharabawy, Leal-Dutra & G.W. Griff. 2021, in El-Gharabawy et al., Fungal biology, 125, 447-458 (2021)
Etymology: Derived from the Latin words crystallus = crystal and cutis = rind/surface, due to the presence of crystals in the hymenium and subiculum of the basidiomes.
Diagnosis: Differs from other members of family Irpicaceae due to the presence of hyphae encrusted with crystals in the subiculum and usually yellow colour of the hymenial surface when fresh.
Description. Basidiomes resupinate with smooth, tuberculate, papillate, merulioid or sometimes poroid hymenophores, usually honey-yellow (not bright yellow) in colour (but occasionally rosy, reddish or greenish), waxy with white margin. Hyphae of subiculum and sometimes hymenium/subhymenium encrusted with crystals associated with darker (brown) resinous granules. Hyphal system is monomitic, usually with abundant clamp connections present. Basidia cylindric-clavate, basidiospores hyaline, smooth, ellipsoid, and non-amyloid and non-dextrinoid. Found forming white-rot on heavily decayed trunks of woody monocot and dicot angiosperms, as well as coniferous trees. Rhizomorphs andmycelial cords absent.
Index Fungorum Number: IF557789
Type species: Crystallicutis damiettensis El-Gharabawy, Leal-Dutra & G.W. Griff. 2021, in El-Gharabawy et al., Fungal biology, 125, 447-458 (2021)
Notes: Crystallicutis is also defined as the least inclusive clade containing the following pairs of sequences: ITS1-2 spacer regions rDNA (KX428470, JX623934); D1-D3 region of 28S rDNA (MW508515, JX644066). Chlamydospores abundant in old agar cultures of C. damiettensis and sometimes in C. serpens (Ginns,1975).
Crystallicutis damiettensis El-Gharabawy, Leal-Dutra & G.W. Griff. 2021
Crystallicutis huangshanensis El-Gharabawy, Leal-Dutra & G.W. Griff. 2021
Crystallicutis rajchenbergii El-Gharabawy, Leal-Dutra & G.W. Griff. 2021
Crystallicutis serpens (Tode) El-Gharabawy, Leal-Dutra & G.W. Griff. 2021
El-Gharabawy, H. M., Leal-Dutra, C. A., & Griffith, G. W. (2021). Crystallicutis gen. nov. (Irpicaceae, Basidiomycota), including C. damiettensis sp. nov., found on Phoenix dactylifera (date palm) trunks in the Nile Delta of Egypt. Fungal biology, 125(6), 447-458.
Ginns, J.H. (1976). Merulius: ss and sl, taxonomic disposition and identification of species. Canadian Journal of Botany, 54, 100-167.
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