Phanerina Miettinen 2016, in Miettinen, et al., MycoKeys 17, 1-46 (2016)
Diagnosis: Basidiocarps resupinate, yellow, fragile, pores shallow and large (1–4per mm). Hyphal structure monomitic, simple-septate, loose, hyphae not swollen, wider (4–5 μm in diameter) in subiculum, a bit narrower in trama (3–4 μm). Hymenial branching corymb-like, subulate thin-walled cystidia present. Spores rather large (6–7×3 μm), cylindrical to narrowly ellipsoid.
Index Fungorum Number: IF811536
Type species: Phanerina mellea (Berk. & Broome) Miettinen 2016, in Miettinen, et al., MycoKeys 17, 1-46 (2016)
Notes: This monotypic genus comes close to Riopa both morphologically and phylogenetically, though the two do not seem to form a monophyletic group.
Phanerina mellea (Berk. & Broome) Miettinen 2016
Miettinen, O., & Spirin, V., & Vlasák, J., & Rivoire, B., Stenroos, S., & Hibbett, D. (2016). Polypores and genus concepts in Phanerochaetaceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). MycoKeys 17, 1-46.
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