Amylosporia B.K. Cui, C.L. Zhao & Y.C. Dai, in Cui, et al., Fungal Diversity 97: 164 (2019)
Etymology: Amylosporia (Lat.): referring to the amyloid basidiospores.
Diagnosis: Differs from other genera by its amyloid and cyanophilous skeletal hyphae, hyaline, thick-walled, ellipsoid and truncate, amyloid and cyanophilous basidiospores. Basidiocarps annual, resupinate to effused-reflexed, adnate, soft corky to corky when fresh, becoming corky to fragile upon drying. Pore surface cream to buff when fresh, becoming cinnamon-buff when bruised, pale yellowish brown upon drying. Subiculum cream to buff, corky. Tubes concolorous with the pore surface, corky to fragile. Hyphal system dimitic; generative hyphae bearing clamp connections; skeletal hyphae weakly amyloid, CB+. Cystidia absent; cystidioles present. Basidiospores ellipsoid, truncate, hyaline, thick-walled, smooth, weakly amyloid, CB+.
Index Fungorum Number: IF825652
Type species: Amylosporia hattorii (Y.C. Dai & B.K. Cui) B.K. Cui, C.L. Zhao & Y.C. Dai, in Cui, et al., Fungal Diversity 97: 164 (2019)
Cui, Bao-Kai & Li, Hai-Jiao & Ji, Xing & Zhou, Jun-Liang & Song, Jie & Si, Jing & Yang, Zhu-Liang & Dai, Yu-Cheng. (2019). Species diversity, taxonomy and phylogeny of Polyporaceae (Basidiomycota) in China. Fungal Diversity 97, 137–392.
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