Datroniella B.K. Cui, Hai J. Li & Y.C. Dai 2014, in Cui, et al., Fungal Diversity 97, 137–392 (2019)
Diagnosis: Basidiocarps annual, pileate to effused-reflexed, rarely resupinate. Pilei usually projecting less than 3 cm. Pileal surface brown to black, glabrous. Pore surface white, cream to pale brown; pores large to small, round to angular. Context pale brown to brown, corky. Hyphal system dimitic; generative hyphae bearing clamp connections; skeletal hyphae usually dominating, pale brown to brown, moderately to frequently branched in context and frequently branched in trama, IKI-, CB+; tissues darkening in KOH. Dendrohyphidia and cystidia absent, thin-walled cystidioles usually present. Basidiospores cylindrical, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, IKI–, CB–.
Datroniella was newly set up by Li et al. (2014), species in this genus, previously, were included in Datronia. It is difficult to separate Datroniella from Datronia, the main differences are species in Datroniella having moderate to frequent branched skeletal hyphae and lacking dendrohyphidia. Phylogenetically, Datroniella is distinct from Datronia sensu stricto based on molecular sequences (Li et al. 2014)
Index Fungorum Number: IF803225
Type species: Datroniella scutellata (Schwein.) B.K. Cui, Hai J. Li & Y.C. Dai 2014, in Cui, et al., Fungal Diversity 97, 137–392 (2019)
Datroniella melanocarpa B.K. Cui, Hai J. Li & Y.C. Dai 2014
Datroniella minuta C.R.S. de Lira & Ryvarden 2016
Datroniella scutellata (Schwein.) B.K. Cui, Hai J. Li & Y.C. Dai 2014
Datroniella subtropica B.K. Cui, Hai J. Li & Y.C. Dai 2014
Datroniella tibetica B.K. Cui, Hai J. Li & Y.C. Dai 2014
Datroniella tropica B.K. Cui, Hai J. Li & Y.C. Dai 2014
Cui, Bao-Kai & Li, Hai-Jiao & Ji, Xing & Zhou, Jun-Liang & Song, Jie & Si, Jing & Yang, Zhu-Liang & Dai, Yu-Cheng. (2019). Species diversity, taxonomy and phylogeny of Polyporaceae (Basidiomycota) in China. Fungal Diversity 97, 137–392
Li HJ, Cui BK, Dai YC (2014) Taxonomy and multi-gene phylogeny of Datronia (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). Persoonia 32:170–182
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