Leifiporia Y.C. Dai, F. Wu & C.L. Zhao 2016, in Zhao et al., Mycological Progress, 15, 799-809 (2016)
Etymology. Leifiporia (Lat.): in honour of the Norway mycologist Prof. Leif Ryvarden.
Diagnosis: Basidiocarps annual, resupinate, adnate, soft when fresh, brittle when dry. Pore surface white to cream. Pores angular; dissepiments thin, entire to slightly lacerate. Hyphal system dimitic, generative hyphae hyaline, thin-walled with clamp connections, frequently branched at right angles; skeletal hyphae present in subiculum only, interwoven, distinctly thinner than generative hyphae, IKI–, CB–; tissues unchanged in KOH. Basidia barrel-shaped to pyriform. Basidiospores ellipsoid, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, usually bearing one or two guttules, IKI–, CB–.
Index Fungorum Number: IF817362
Type Species: Leifiporia rhizomorpha Y.C. Dai, F. Wu & C.L. Zhao 2016, in Zhao et al., Mycological Progress, 15, 799-809 (2016)
Leifiporia eucalypti (Ryvarden) Y.C. Dai, F. Wu & C.L. Zhao 2016
Leifiporia rhizomorpha Y.C. Dai, F. Wu & C.L. Zhao 2016
Zhao, C. L., Wu, F., & Dai, Y. C. (2016). Leifiporia rhizomorpha gen. et sp. nov. and L. eucalypti comb. nov. in Polyporaceae (Basidiomycota). Mycological Progress, 15, 799-809.
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